Title: Assistant Attorney General - High Tech Crimes - Chicago
Division: Criminal Enforcement
Bureau: High Tech Crime
The High Tech Crimes Bureau seeks an experienced criminal prosecutor for an Assistant Attorney General position in the Chicago office. High Tech Crimes Bureau prosecutors have wide-ranging duties including: prosecution of criminal offenses with an emphasis on child exploitation related offenses, including motion hearing and trial work; providing legal and technical support to investigators, prosecutors and digital forensic examiners; preparing and reviewing search warrants, subpoenas and court orders; outreach to law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies; designing and presenting training programs to police officers and prosecutors; and delivering education and awareness presentations to various constituent groups.
The High Tech Crimes Bureau is a multi-disciplinary team of professionals including law enforcement, prosecutors and digital forensic examiners dedicated to prosecuting child exploitation crimes in state court. Work in the High Tech Crimes Bureau involves routine exposure to sensitive material including Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM).
An Assistant Attorney General assigned to the Bureau will prosecute cases throughout the state and should expect to travel. Cases are handled as vertical prosecutions. An attorney in this position is expected to provide legal advice and assistance to law enforcement agencies during the course of investigation, evaluate cases for prosecution, initiate prosecutions, and handle cases through sentencing and post-trial motions. An AAG in the Bureau will conduct grand jury investigations and should expect to litigate grand jury matters. Assistant Attorneys General are expected to draft and review search warrants and work with law enforcement in planning undercover operations.
Candidates must be licensed by the State of Illinois at the time of application. Candidates must have a minimum of 3+ years of post-graduate prosecution experience as a licensed attorney.
Ideal candidates will have significant criminal prosecution and trial experience and working knowledge of computer systems and technology. The candidate should have an in-depth knowledge of the principles of criminal law and procedure, including discovery and the rules of evidence. The candidate should have jury trial experience with felony jury trial experience preferred.
Salary: Salaries are commensurate with number of years of practice as a licensed attorney and range from $ 85,000 to $ 107,550.
To ensure full consideration, please send cover letter, resume, three professional references, and writing sample to:
Attn: Thor Y. Inouye
Office of the Illinois Attorney General
115 S. LaSalle St.
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 814-3695
(312) 814-5024 (Fax)